Join Us Saturday for Live African Drums

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Join Us This Saturday Live African Drums with Sangue Mbacke Saturday, February 8, 1:00-3:00PM Free Refreshments, Open to the Public, Unlimited Free Parking Sangue Mbacke is a Senegalese Drum Master and teacher. He began fabricating the Djembe over twenty years ago and has been playing professionally ever since. Sangue collaborates with musicians internationally, performing and hosting workshops in West Africa, Europe and throughout the United States. Each year, Sangue hosts student-artists of various skill-sets and interests from around the world in Dakar for a hybrid cultural immersion and drumming workshop. Sangue also teaches schoolchildren throughout the USA, leading anti-bullying assemblies and bringing Senegalese music and culture to museums, schools and libraries. A musician, dancer, and raconteur, Sangue uses storytelling through the Djembe and Tama to build interpersonal relationships among his students and the audience.

2020-02-04T14:53:28-05:00January 29th, 2020|Uncategorized|

George Colin (American, 1929-2014)

George Colin (American, 1929-2014) George Colin was a flour sacker at the Pillsbury Company in central Illinois for 30 years. He retired in 1975 on a pension of $100 per month to work on his art full-time. The holder of a certificate from a mail order art school, he worked from his home in a small town of 100 called Salisbury, Illinois. George Colin created a large body of work that is now almost legendary. When he was discovered in the 1980s, there was a barn on his property filled with 7,000 paintings and drawings. Many of the pieces in today’s auction are original barn paintings that were never sold or exposed to the general public before. Colin was imbued with an insatiable will to create art. Unable to afford materials, he originally settled on chalk as his preferred medium as it was cheap and could be bought at the local five and dime. The paper he used early on was primarily wrappers from rolls of printing paper salvaged from the dumpsters of nearby printing plants. He also used the backs of discarded printed pieces. This material is referred to as “found paper.” It differs from the archival [...]

2022-05-16T13:43:28-04:00December 11th, 2019|Uncategorized|

“Cuadros de una Exposicion” Paintings of an Exhibition

“Cuadros de una Exposicion” Paintings of an Exhibition —by Mirta Mabel Scokin de Portnoy Originally, they shared the same vocation, the Argentinean sky and the landscape of silver rivers. Today the circumstances of life make them share the same roof but under different latitudes. I don’t know if it is a case of serendipity or coincidence, but I l know that I am writing this note due to the enthusiasm and fascinations that is found when one discovers something in a most unexpected time and place. In the city of Philadelphia, lives the Ficher family. The owner of the house is Dr Ilda Ficher who I met personally. Dr Ficher had just moved in to a magnificent apartment on Locust Street in the famous Rittenhouse Square neighborhood. This corner of Philadelphia is well known for its dedication to the arts especially music. It is the home of Academy of Music which is the oldest building designed for performances of opera and is still in use today. A half block away is Broad Street better known as the Avenue of the Arts which houses the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Opera House, and several theaters. On a beautiful sunny day in autumn, I [...]

2019-12-03T15:23:10-05:00December 3rd, 2019|Uncategorized|

20th C. Argentine Art Collection | Dec. 9, Auction

DECEMBER ESTATES | FINE, FOLK, ASIAN, ETHNOGRAPHIC ART | ANTIQUES & DECORATIVE ARTS | ORIENTAL RUGS Live Gallery Auction: Monday, December 9, 2019, 11AM ET Exhibition: December 7-8, 11AM-4PM Browse the Auction Catalog and Bid Live on these Portals:   Absentee Bid Form | Telephone Bid Form | Terms and Conditions (PDF) Fresh to the Market | Collection of 20th C. Argentine Art from the Estate of Ilda and Miguel Ficher, Philadelphia. For more information on the family and the collection click here.

2019-12-03T15:24:33-05:00December 2nd, 2019|Uncategorized|

Auction, Oct. 27 | Important Single Owner Collection of Ethnographic Art & Textiles

Browse the virtual print catalog APSARA ARTS OF ASIA | IMPORTANT SINGLE OWNER COLLECTION OF ETHNOGRAPHIC ART & TEXTILES Live Showroom Auction: Sunday, October 27, 2019, 11AM ET Exhibition: October 19-26, 11AM-4PM Also accepting online, phone and absentee bids  Browse the Auction Catalog and Bid Live on these Portals:   Absentee Bid Form | Telephone Bid Form | Terms and Conditions (PD

2020-01-30T14:33:32-05:00October 7th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Woolstock 2019! 3 Days of Peace, Rugs, Music & Much More

In Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Woodstock Festival, Material Culture Presents 3 DAYS OF PEACE, RUGS, MUSIC & SO MUCH MORE! AUGUST 10-11-12 SAT/SUN/MON FREE | OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | UNLIMITED FREE PARKING ~ SHOWCASING RYAN TENNIS AND THE CLUBHOUSE BAND ~ WITH COMEDIC GUESTS, CHRIS STENTA, TOMMIE TURNER, SONIA PACHO SATURDAY 7PM-11PM  FREE | OPEN TO THE PUBLIC | BYOB ART IN MOTION | 3-DAY MURAL WALL CREATION BY THE ARTIST, 7GOD 27 year old 7God (born Hashim Ahmad) builds surfaces that sizzle with energy using his singular visual language. Combining spiritual, emotional, and community challenges, 7 delves deep into his ‘frequencies’ (hieroglyphic-like marks used as physical manifestations of life forces) to coax out intertwined connections that embody both meaning and message. POTTERY WORKSHOP BY BOB DEANE | SATURDAY, NOON-5PM | FREE | OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Bob Deane’s handmade pottery ranges from dynamic functional work: plates, bowls, mugs and vases, to unique organic sculptures. His color palette ranges from earth tones to vibrant blues and purples. “The challenge and success of creating a piece of ceramics is to make someone [...]

2022-01-13T12:42:29-05:00July 11th, 2019|Uncategorized|