2 Talks + Screening of the Award Winning Documentary “Henry Glassie: Field Work”
12 NOON: Refreshments LECTURES: 1PM: Pravina Shukla Folk Art in the Brazilian Interior 2PM: Henry Glassie Folk Art in Global Sweep 3PM: Special Screening Of the Award Winning Documentary Henry Glassie: Field Work (click to view trailer) (And don’t miss our Robert L Pfannebecker Collection/Auction Exhibition on the same day!) (click for more information) Between 2007 and the present, Pravina Shukla and Henry Glassie conducted fieldwork in Northeastern Brazil, writing Sacred Art: Catholic Saints and Candomblé Gods in Modern Brazil, published in 2018, and Folk Art: Continuity, Creativity, and the Brazilian Quotidian, for sale first at Material Culture in December 2023. Pravina Shukla Pravina Shukla is Provost Professor of Folklore at Indiana University, and the author of The Grace of Four Moons: Dress, Adornment and the Art of the Body in Modern India, and Costume: Performing Identities through Dress. Henry Glassie Henry Glassie, College Professor Emeritus at Indiana University, has written twenty books, including Passing the Time in Ballymenone, The Spirit of Folk Art, and Turkish Traditional Art Today, all named notable books of the year [...]