360 Degrees of Fine, Folk & Outsider Art
Auction: Sunday, October 15, 2017, 10AM EST
Exhibition: October 13-14, 11AM-4PM
Consignments accepted until September 8
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Information: Selling at Auction
Lecture and Book Signing | Saturday, October 14, 2017, 2pm
Howard Finster’s Amazing Visionary Legacy:
So Was He the “Backwoods William Blake” and the “Southern Andy Warhol”?
An Illustrated Lecture Accompanied by a short Film entitled
“I Can Feel Another Planet in My Soul: The Remarkable Story of Howard Finster” (2015)
Norman Girardot
University Distinguished Professor, Lehigh University and Author of Envisioning Howard Finster: The Religion and Art of a Stranger From Another World (University of California Press, 2015)