Join Us: The People’s Art of Brazil | Lecture and Book Signing, Dec. 2
Sacred Art: Catholic Saints and Candomblé Gods in Modern Brazil Join Us: Lecture, Book Signing & Refreshments Folklorists Henry Glassie and Pravina Shukla Present an Illustrated Lecture on the People's Art of Brazil, based on their monumental new book: Sacred Art: Catholic Saints and Candomblé Gods in Modern Brazil Saturday, December 2, 2PM Free, Open to the Public Unlimited Free Parking Books Available for Purchase São Benedito by Edival and Izaura Rosas, Salvador, Brazil. Yemanjá by Francisco Santos, Salvador, Brazil. Sacred art flourishes today in northeastern Brazil, where European and African religious traditions have interacted for centuries. Professional artists in the Northeast create images of the Catholic saints and the African gods of Candomblé to meet the needs of a vast market of believers and art collectors. Over the past decade, Henry Glassie and Pravina Shukla, folklorists trained in anthropology, have conducted intense ethnographic research in the states of Bahia and Pernambuco, interviewing the artists at length, photographing their processes and products, attending Catholic and Candomblé services, and finally creating a comprehensive book, governed by the understandings of the artists themselves. Nossa Senhora Desatadora dos Nós by Rosalvo Santana, Maragojipinho, Brazil. Beginning [...]